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NZC4SC: The New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
University of Otago Podcasting Service

Growth Misconduct? – Kathryn Scott

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Kathryn Scott

Kathryn Scott
Landcare Research/ Manaaki Whenua, Social Researcher, Sustainable Settlements
Residents’ perceptions of intensification
This presentation is based on ethnographic research in Glen Innes, a suburb in Auckland targeted for intensification. Medium density housing is providing state tenants with affordable, low maintenance homes and an improved sense of safety and community; intensive tenancy management is critical to this success.

Growth Misconduct? – Ian Cassels

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Ian Cassels

Ian Cassels
Director – The Wellington Company
The Cost of Everything and the Value of Nothing

How often when faced with the cost of a project do we quickly respond “we can’t afford that”?
How often did we, instead ask, what is the long term benefit and value of the project? Whilst it is often true that we are guilty of a number of poor spending decisions we completely lack the tools to evaluate the long term benefits of intensification and for that matter, location.

Growth Misconduct? – Andy Ralph

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Andy Ralph

Andy Ralph

Manager Environmental Policy or Adele Hadfield Strategic Planner, Tauranga City Council

Working on overcoming community resistance – The Tauranga Experience

Tauranga City faces a challenge in accommodating around 30% of the forecast, sub regional urban growth to 2051 by way of intensification of established residential areas. This is to implement the agreed sub regional growth strategy called SmartGrowth. This is requiring a complete relook at how we approach planning from the
technical, political and community building perspectives. Tauranga has been through two very different attempts to secure support for this change and we have learnt and are still learning some harsh lessons. The presentation will cover:
• What does a community understand about the rules governing the form and function of their neighbourhoods – so where do you start from with them.
• Strategising, planning and building – the leaps between each and the communicating along the way.
• Technical, political and community challenges and opportunities to make residential intensification happen

Grwoth Misconduct? – Brenna Waghorn

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Brenna Waghorn

Brenna Waghorn
Auckland Regional Council, Principal Advisor, Regional Development

Urban Intensification in Auckland – are we Growing Smarter?
Objectives and policies for a more sustainable compact urban form, including focussing intensive mixed use development in centres and around passenger transport nodes, have been in place for more than
a decade. This presentation will provide an overview of the barriers to successful high quality urban intensification based on a review of Auckland’s experience since the Regional Growth Strategy 1999 was adopted, collation of developer perspectives and comparison with international models.

Growth Misconduct? – Karen Witten

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Karen Witten

Karen Witten
Massey University – Assoc. Professor – Shore (NZCSC)

Intensification, housing affordability and families: learning from the Auckland CBD
Housing and transport costs are key factors that influence the residential location choices made by families, and they explain the rapid increase in the number of children living in cramped apartments in the Auckland CDB. But while such apartments offer advantages of affordability and convenience there are downsides for children and their parents living in dwellings, complexes and neighbourhoods not designed to meet their needs. To be socially sustainable for a diverse range of household types residential intensification needs long term planning. Housing in the Auckland
CBD is an example of laissez-faire planning, raising questions about its social sustainability.

Growth Misconduct? – Yvonne Weeber

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Yvonne Weeber

Yvonne Weeber
Senior Analyst, New Zealand Urban Design Protocol Ministry for theEnvironment

The Urban Design Protocol and its influence on towns and cities growth
The New Zealand Urban Design Protocol was launched in 2005 with signatories making a voluntary commitment to undertake specific urban design initiatives. In the last 5 years signatory numbers to the Protocol have increased from 80 to over 170, made up of primarily of local government and consultants. This presentation examines
the recent research that shows how the Protocol has improved the understanding of urban design and has influenced current urban design frameworks and statutory documents. Ultimately this will influence how towns and cities grow if there is the urban design skills and capacity to undertake these challenges.

Growth Misconduct? – Helen Viggers

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Helen Viggers

Helen Viggers

New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities (NZCSC)

Mortgagee sales and density
The spatial distribution of mortgagee sales across New Zealand cities, between 2000 and mid 2009 was examined. The changes in location over time period, corresponding to both a real-estate boomand rising transport costs may reflect future patterns of value.

Growth Misconduct? – Pengjun Zhao

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Pengjun Zhao

Pengjun Zhao
New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities (NZCSC), Post Doctoral Fellow

Mapping and visualizing urban form: urban intensification analysis for New Zealand cities
Urban intensification is one of key issues for local carbon management as it has influences on community energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions. This presentation will report the results of urban density analysis for major New Zealand cities. The density of these cities will also be compared with the density of corresponding Australian cities. In the final part of this presentation, the applications of the density results for the next step research will be discussed.

Growth Misconduct? – Michelle Thompson-Fawcett

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Michelle Thompson-Fawcett

Michelle Thompson-Fawcett, University of Otago

Assoc. Professor, School of Geography – NZCSC

Fuzzy Futuring; Danish Distinction

The presentation will consider current international debates on technical and governance issues regarding intensification and compact cities. It will illustrate some aspects of these debates via a case study of innovation in peripheral settlement development in a Danish suburban setting that is contextually similar to the New Zealand situation.

Growth Misconduct? – Billi-Giles Corti

Podcast: Growth Misconduct? – Billi-Giles Corti

Billie-Giles Corti – University of Western Australia

Winthrop Professor/Director, Centre for the Built Environment and Health School of Population Health

Increasing densities in cities: How do we maximize benefits and minimize harm?

There is growing recognition globally that to accommodate a growing population and to build more sustainable cities, land use will need to be intensified and housing densities increased. However, to produce the best outcomes, thought needs to be given to how to build higher density housing, with the aim of maximizing community-wide benefits, and minimizing unintended consequences. This talk will consider factors that influence optimizing higher density housing and highlight areas that require further research.