UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says increasing economic and social disparities pose a threat to children’s rights.
In his message to the Second Forum on the Rights of the Child, hosted in Stockholm, Sweden (17 Nov 2011), Ban Ki-Moon stressed that while the Convention on the Rights of the Child has led to great advances to protect children’s interests and wellbeing “much remains to be done to make the promises in the treaty a reality”. He welcomed the forum’s decision to focus on the third article of the Convention, which states that in all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration.
Read more about the UN Secretary-General’s comments
Recent NZ Reports on Child Poverty
Inside Child Poverty – A Special Report by Bryan Bruce
Poverty by Radio New Zealand’s Political Editor, Brent Edwards
The extent of poverty in New Zealand and the effect of this for children. Listen to Radio NZ National’s Insight, Sunday 6th November 2011.
Left Further Behind: How policies fail the poorest children in New Zealand, Child Poverty Action Group, 2011
Download the report from the Child Poverty Action Group’s website