We aim to provide a repository of royalty free images for use in curriculum activities.
Educators can use photographs in activities to explore issues related to peacefulness, nonviolence, conflict and violence.
Do you have photographs about peace, conflict or violence you would like to share with educators?
Share your ‘own’ images with other educators for use with their students – please send us the image as a .jpg file.
Tell us which images might be useful for educators and curriculum developers.
Teachers Without Borders Photo Repository
“I just wanted to draw your attention to the new Gallery function on this site. We can use it to share photos relating to peace education that others can use in their classrooms. Please feel free to share and use these photos in your classes. Photos can be great tools for education! You can ask students to write a caption, to describe what they see, to try to imagine what is going on beyond the borders of the photos….the possibilities are endless!
And, if you have creative activities for using photographs in class, please share them too!” From Stephanie Knox Cubbon, Sharing Photos, http://groups.teacherswithoutborders.org/en/peace-education/discussion