Visit our BLOG TOPICS pages
Find resources, information and activities that educators can use to explore issues related to peacefulness, nonviolence, conflict and violence.
Provide information, resources and feedback: Tell us about the resource/s; Post a review; Describe how you could use it in an education context.
Check the list below to find out more about the resources and how you can add to these.
Books and films
- Have you read a book or watched a documentary/movie that addresses peace and conflict issues?
- Tell us about books and films that focus on peace and conflict issues.
- Post a review of a documentary/movie. Describe how you could use it in an education context.
Media reports
- Let us know what you have heard, read or seen in the media.
Music and art
- Let us know about songs and art exploring peace and nonviolence.
Photographic images
We aim to provide a repository of royalty free images related to peace and conflict for use in curriculum activities.
- Do you have photographs about peace, conflict or violence you would like to share with educators?
- If you are willing to share your ‘own’ images with other educators for use with their students – please send us the image as a .jpg file.
Research and evaluation
Educators and practitioners in peace education need access to information in order to determine which practices are considered most effective in their work with children and young people.
We aim to promote a strong connection between educators, practitioners in peace education, researchers and policy-makers.
We will work to extend and disseminate best available research and evidence about education for peace.
- Let us know about recent research and evaluation reports.
Share an initiative
We aim to find out about a range of resources and programmes used in New Zealand and overseas.
- Share a peace education initiative that you think might be of interest to others.
TED video presentations
- Tell us about TED video presentations that might be relevant for peace education.
Your perspectives
- Tell us what you think about peace education.
- Help support peace education in New Zealand.
In one sentence (a tweet of 140-characters) tell us…
- What does peace education mean to you?
- How can peace education be practiced?
- In an ideal world, what peace education would you like to see?
- What peace education resources are needed?
- What have you learnt about peace education?
- What could this website do to promote/support peace education?
Website Feedback
We need your feedback – Please add your comments.
- Q. Is anything amiss on this site?
- Q. What else would you like?
- Q. What could be different or changed?
- Q. How have you used the information on this site?
Please tell us about your experiences
- Navigating within this site
- Accessing information on this site
- The appearance of the site – Visual appeal?
- Quality of information on this site
- Currency of information – Is it up to date?
- Relevance/responsiveness of information for potential users