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Over 1,000 Peace Videos

The Peace and Collaborative Development Network has an extensive library of links to online videos. Use the search function to locate videos on topics such as ‘education’, ‘peace education’ and other topics related to student learning.

Music and Art coming soon

Let us know about songs and art exploring peace and nonviolence.

Email: education4peace

Peace Movement Aotearoa on Facebook

The Facebook site of Peace Movement Aotearoa has links to peace and conflict issues reported in the New Zealand and international media.

Alexander Turnbull Library

The Alexander Turnbull Library has a searchable online pictorial collection. Copyright and purchase details are listed for each image.




Auckland War Memorial Museum

The Auckland War Memorial Museum has pictorial material documented in collections and online web exhibitions.

NZ History Online

NZ History Online has a repository of media items (interactive, photos, sound, video).

War and Society

NZ History Online has resources related to War and Society

The NZ Archives’ Archway Series has freely available online images in the National Collection of War Art

    (1) select ‘Advanced Search’; (2) select the ‘Series’ search from either the box menu or the text menu enter ‘898’; (3) On the next screen , select either ‘more detail’ then select ‘view all records’ The digitised records available to view online are labelled with ‘View Digitised Record’ in orange text underneath the title.

Discuss war in relation to the following:


NZ ON SCREEN provided by New Zealand On Air to profile New Zealand television, film and music video resources and background information. Some full length versions can be viewed online and others are provided as excerpts or trailers with purchase details (or check libraries to borrow copies).

For example, Our People Our Century – Families at War is a documentary of experiences of soldiers and families.—families-at-war-2000

More documentaries

Documentary Heaven has lists of hundreds of documentaries that can be accessed free online. Search categories for topics.

NZ Film Archive ON DISK resources

ON DISK titles are compilations from New Zealand film and television that link to topics covered in the  New Zealand Secondary School Curriculum. Comprehensive packages include NZ Archive DVDs, teacher notes for footage, and detailed lesson plans.