A Hymn for Anzac Day
This Anzac hymn was written by Shirley Erena Murray and highlights some of the complexities of Anzac Day and remembering war.
The power of song
An amazing film- Pete Seeger: The Power of Song
(1hr 33min)
View this film to learn about an aspect of the American peace movement, the work of a folk singer/political activist, and how music and song can contribute to nonviolent action.
A powerful resource for NZ National Curriculum related to The Arts or Social Science (History).
Pete Seeger, 92, joined the protesters of the American Occupy Wall Street protest (22 October 2011). Read more
On YouTube
YouTube Trailer 2 mins
YouTube by PBS American Masters 83 mins
How to access this film in New Zealand
Rental through AroVideo online and Fatso online, New Zealand.
Peace and antiwar songs
Access our current list of peace and antiwar songs.
This is a living or dynamic document that will be continually revised and updated. Please download the most recent versions at the time of use.
Music and Art coming soon
Let us know about songs and art exploring peace and nonviolence.