Peace Education: An Imperative not an Optional Extra
Listen to Professor Kevin Clements
National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago
Presentated at SOCCON the Social Sciences Conference, Wellington, 18-20 July 2011.
To listen/view – If you double click on the link it will load the audio/video player onto the screen. It takes a while to load and should start playing itself.
To download the audio/video file – Right click and ‘save link as..’ to download the file to listen/watch as a podcast/vodcast.
The video mp4 28 mins
The audio mp3 28 mins
BBC Documentaries
BBC World Service Documentaries can be heard on Radio NZ National. On the BBC site you can listen to the audio or download as a podcast.
Two of recent audio documentaries are
Dot.Com Camps
Using the internet to address structural violence – poverty, unemployment
The Kill Factor (2 parts)
Soldiers talk about killing and how the effect this has on them. These discussions address the spectrum of experiences related to war and violence. These audios could be used to facilitate discussion about controversial issues such as militarisation, conscription, deaths of civilians, returning soldiers, post-traumatic stress disorder.
Part 1
Part 2
More documentaries
Are you already teaching peace?
You Might be Teaching Peace If…
Member of the Peace and Collaborative Development Network, Cheryl Duckworth posts a blog to say teachers are probably already teaching peace.
Find out if you are already teaching peace. Read the posts by others.
Think about the other ways you address peace issues in your classroom.
Let us know what you do in your day-to-day teaching.
Campaign for the Human Right to Peace
The National Academy for Peace – Peacebuilder Teleconference Dialogue, 19 April 2011
Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury of the United Nations discusses the vision and goals of the campaign for the Human Right to Peace.
Find out how
- civil society can shape the political climate and promote the campaign for the human right to peace
- formal and non-formal peace education at all levels can contribute to the changes in worldviews, attitudes and behaviors necessary for personal, social and political transformations and a culture of peace.