Protect NZ children from violence
Every child thrives, belongs, achieves
Green Paper for Vulnerable Children – A discussion paper from the NZ government
Read more and download the discussion paper. External site
You can have your say on how New Zealand can better protect abused, neglected and disadvantaged children (due by 28 February 2012).
Riots and looting in England
Students might be interested in understanding about the recent riots and looting in England.
In his blog England’s riots: If the UK were a fragile state… Dan Smith considers issues related to the events of early August 2011, their aftermath and the future.
Dan Smith is Secretary General of International Alert, the London-based international peacebuilding organisation. He chairs the UN Peacebuilding Fund‘s Advisory Group. Previously he was Director of the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo.
Are you already teaching peace?
You Might be Teaching Peace If…
Member of the Peace and Collaborative Development Network, Cheryl Duckworth posts a blog to say teachers are probably already teaching peace.
Find out if you are already teaching peace. Read the posts by others.
Think about the other ways you address peace issues in your classroom.
Let us know what you do in your day-to-day teaching.
Over 1,000 Peace Videos
The Peace and Collaborative Development Network has an extensive library of links to online videos. Use the search function to locate videos on topics such as ‘education’, ‘peace education’ and other topics related to student learning.
Blog and Podcast site
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The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) at the University of Otago and the Aotearoa NZ Peace and Conflict Studies Centre Trust (ANZPCSC) have been funded to develop and co-ordinate a New Zealand network for peace education.
The NCPACS aims to work with teachers/curriculum groups to develop relevant resources and capacity for the teaching of peace education in the New Zealand school curriculum.