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To find out about updates to this website and initiatives to promote peace education in New Zealand and around the world.
ARCHIVED content:
November/December 2011
Resource: Using the Peace Education Lens. Use photographs and the analogy of the camera lens to view and evaluate particular events and circumstances. This resource provides a practical framework to examine issues of social justice, potential or actual conflict and/or violence and peacefulness and nonviolence.
Read about considerations for an early childhood peace curriculum. Jenny Ritchie, Colleen Lockie and Cheryl Rau have an article published in the international Journal of Peace Education.
More NZ programmes added to our list. Find out about:
- ENACT, Youth Enabling Action – an initiative of The Peace Foundation to support national and international youth peace programmes. Link to their resources for the NZ Secondary Curriculum.
- World Harmony Run (NZ)
An amazing film. View Pete Seeger: The Power of Song to learn about an aspect of the American peace movement, the work of a folk singer/political activist, and how music and song can contribute to nonviolent action.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says increasing economic and social disparities pose a threat to children’s rights. Read his message and read, view and listen to reports about the effects of poverty on NZ children.
You can have your say on how New Zealand can better protect abused, neglected and disadvantaged children. Read and respond to the green paper, Every Child, Thrives, Belongs, Achieves.
More TED Talks have been added. These video presentations by high profile speakers provide a wealth of material to prompt discussion on topics of promoting peace, nonviolence and social justice.
- Recent additions are by Richard Wilkinson (How economic inequality harms societies), Zainab Salbi (Women, wartime and the dream of peace).
In October 2011 we celebrate the role of women in peace and profile issues about women’s oppression and empowerment in the face of conflict and violence around the world – Visit our page on Women, Peace and Violence.
Access the Learn Peace activity book for use with primary and secondary school students. Activities grouped for English, Art and Drama, Social Studies, Outreach/Social Actions. Developed by ican Australia (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons – Australia)
Find out about NZ documentaries with peace themes. Documentaries about the Moriori of the Chatham Islands (The Feathers of Peace); New Zealand’s role in the nuclear free movement, conscription and conscientious objection, peace activism and history of Rainbow Warrior 1.
More TED Talks have been added. These video presentations by high profile speakers provide a wealth of material to prompt discussion on topics of promoting peace, nonviolence and social justice. Recent additions are by Jody Williams (A realistic vision for world peace), Julia Bacha (Pay attention to nonviolence), Jeremy Gilley (One Day of Peace), Josette Sheehran (Ending hunger now).
Access our current list of peace and antiwar songs.
What do you know about terrorism? Find out more about the broad experience of terrorism and how nations respond. Listen to Professor Richard Jackson speak with Chris Laidlaw on Radio NZ National on September 11, 2011.
Past Events
The 6th Biennial Conference of the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education will be held in Hamilton, 17-20 January 2012. The conference theme is Changing Course for a Sustainable World.